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The Avenel Foundation
The Avenel Foundation
The Avenel Foundation is composed of community volunteers whose mission is "to rescue, preserve, and protect Historic Avenel, a Bedford legacy, and to make this museum house, a unique landmark in Virginia, available for educational, social, business and other appropriate community uses."
The foundation is managed by a volunteer board of directors, who meet ten times a year.
With financial support from local businesses, the foundation offers events for the community such as a traditional fun Derby Day party, health-related events, activities for children, a Luau, an Oktoberfest, community fairs, and parties in December.
Christmas Through The Ages - December 9, 2023
Meet The Board
Wyatt H. Walton
John Bond
Finance, Chair
Annette Kendall
Linda Benton
Melissa Meador
Elaine Cuesta
Corresponding Secretary &
House and Grounds, C0-Chair
Michelle Pittman
David Sensenig, Esq.
Tracie Gordon
Penelope Clarke
Grants and Fundraising, Chair &
House and Grounds, Co-Chair
Anne Soukhanov
Jonathan Mosley
Jayne Compton
Logan Davenport
Jai Ippolito
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